The Second Ankara Social Sciences and Humanities Congress Summary Booklet

The Second Ankara Social Sciences and Humanities Congress took place through a virtual platform on February 01, 2025.

The summary booklet can be accessed via the following link: SUMMARY BOOKLET

2. Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi Programı Açıklandı

1 Şubat 2025 Cumartesi günü gerçekleşecek oturum programına buradan ulaşabilirsiniz: OTURUM PROGRAMI

ONLINE OPEN HOUSE, 30 March 2024, 10:40 - 13:40

Information Session for Graduate Programs
At the open house you will have the opportunity to learn about the admission process and financial support opportunities.
Meet with our faculty and current graduate students in the department of your interest.

For additional details and registration, please visit the website: OPEN HOUSE

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