HIST 200 2015 Awards

The 2015 History of Turkey award ceremony took place on Monday, October 26 at C-Block Amphitheater. History of Turkey is a must course for all Bilkent undergraduate students designed to encourage students to work in group projects about any topic of their choice that relates to the history of Turkey. Students from each department presented their final projects that they prepared during the 2014-2015 academic year, which shed light on a specific field of Turkish history. These projects were then examined by a committee and 10 successful projects were chosen in order to receive their certificates as well as a special volume entitled Gündelik Hayatımızın Tarihi authored by Kudret Emiroğlu, writer, historian and also History of Turkey instructor.

This year’s ceremony included a special award presented to Elif Cemre Solmaz (PSYC), Elif Dirik (MAN), Feride Nur Hascakaraca (PSYC) and Merve Şeyda Zayim (PSYC) on behalf of the publication of their HIST 200 project entitled “Fedailikten Kuvvacılığa: Parti Pehlivan” in the September 2015 issue of Toplumsal Tarih.

The award ceremony was attended by as highly distinguished members of Bilkent University’s administration, professors, undergraduate students, their families and other notable guests. The rector of Bilkent University, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Atalar, honored the award ceremony with a speech stressing the importance of active learning at the university level in general and history education in particular. The recipients of the 2015 awards presented their projects whereby their joyful presentations ended the ceremony on a very happy note.


img_3371“TÜRKİYE’NİN İLK KADIN PLASTİK CERRAHI KERİMAN GÜLER GÜRSU VE HAYATI” Ahmet Batıkan Ünal (EE), Sultan Sinem Eren (ME), Ece Su Ildız (EE), Bora Deveci (ME), Gökçe Gizem Özmaral (MAN)


img_3363  “BİR KORE GAZİSİNİN GÖZÜNDEN KORE SAVAŞI: ZEKERİYA ATEŞ’İN GÜNLÜKLERİ” Cansu Ateş (MAN), Bilge Nisa Büyükkasap (POLS), Eda Ertan (MAN), Halenur Öztekin (MAN), Irmak Ece Ulusoy (ME)


img_3358“TÜRKİYE’DE RADYASYON ONKOLOJİSİNİN KURULUŞU, GELİŞİMİ VE YAYGINLAŞMASI (1926-1991)”Erdoğan Efe Akmansu (IE), Berk Can Gürel (CS), Yiğitcan Altun (ME), Oğulcan Kutluğ Kocabaş (COMD), Fahrettin Ömer Uyar (EE)


img_3321“FEDAİLİKTEN KUVVACILIĞA: PARTİ PEHLİVAN” Elif Cemre Solmaz (PSYC), Elif Dirik (MAN), Feride Nur Hascakaraca (PSYC) and Merve Şeyda Zayim (PSYC)


img_3354“TÜRKİYE’DEKİ YAHUDİLERİN YENİ KURULAN İSRAİL DEVLETİ’NE DAVET EDİLMESİ VE BU SÜREÇTE YAŞANANLAR” Pınar Çağlar (LAUD), Ömer Akgül (CS), Gülşah Şeftalicioğl (CTIS), Mehmet Can Yıldırım (THM), Ali Burak Erdoğan (CS), Ezgi Hamuryen (POLS)

img_3348“NARMANLI HAN’IN TARİHÇESİ VE İSTANBUL KÜLTÜR HAYATINDAKİ YERİ” Barış Ardıç (CS), Başak Melis Öcal (CS), Buket Seçkin (MBG), Emre Ünlü (MBG), İrem Yüksel (CS)

img_3344“DOĞADAN GELEN TARİH: BİR SEMBOL OLARAK DATÇA DEĞİRMENLERİ”Gülin Tuzcuoğlu (IE), Fatma Elçin Kınıklı (MBG), Mert Yakar (LAUD), Taylan Balasar (ME), Gizem Öztürk (ME)

img_3339“CUMHURİYET SONRASI LUTHİERLİK MESLEĞİ” Şilekan Kanbolat (IR), Berkay İncili (POLS), Ayşegül Bekçi (EE), Erdem Karakuzu (MAN), Mehmet Halit Sezgin (IR)

img_3335“CUMHURİYET DÖNEMİNDE ÇERKESLERİN SOSYO-KÜLTÜREL DEĞİŞİMİ: GUBZEYÇE SÜLALESİ” Canset Ece Mermer (LAW), Mutmein Selim Kurumahmut (ME), Erman Yıldırım (MATH), Mustafa Özgür Demiroğlu (MATH), Samet Arınç Poyraz (LAW)

img_3330“BÜYÜKADA RUM YETİMHANESİ” Burak Balaban (ECON), Büşra Güner (POLS), Deniz Özerdoğan (IR)

img_3325“BARIŞ İZCİ GRUBU’NUN TARİHÇESI VE FAALİYETLERİ” İzgi Başak Nalbant (IE), İrem Yetener (IE), Zeynep Mutlu (IR), Ece Ersü (IE), Ömer Cem Kaya (CTIS)
