SECTION 1: F. Tahire Erman /Â John William Day
- Mythbusters:Â Disaster Capitalism
- NonAlligned:Â Stadium Politics: A Platform for Performing Political Protests in Football
- Spotlight: Wealth and Male Power in Turkish TV Drama Series
- Mirrors: Comparative Analysis of Turkish Citizens’ Perceptions of Syrian and Ukrainian Refugee Women in Türkiye
- Agnitio:Â The 2008 Financial Crisis: How Iceland Navigated Neoliberalism and Social Welfare
SECTION 2: Özlem Sefer / Katherine Halley Willcox Özsarı
- Team_1:Â The Beast Behind the Beauty
- Team_2: Why is Spain Better Than Italy in Terms of Gender Equality?
- TeamTürkiye: Brazil’s Institutional Playbook: Shaping the Olympics & FIFA World Cup Impact
- Team_4: The Dynamics of Rising Far-Right in France: National Identity, Globalization, and Labor Market
SECTION 3: Mine Kara /Â John William Day
- Violet:Â Do Redistributive Policies Affect The Rise of New Right?Â
- Ithaka:Â From Welfare to Where?
- Prosperity:Â No Such Thing As a Free Lunch: A Study of Chinese and Western Aid
- ParetoPolitika: Evaluation of Türkiye’s Upper-Secondary Education Policies and Their Impacts Within the Framework of SDG-4
- FishandChips:Â Funding Futures: How Public School Inequities in US Shape Student Success in the Short Run and Crime Rates in the Long Run
SECTION 4: Ioannis Grigoriadis / Katherine Halley Willcox ÖzsarıÂ
- EFource:Â EU Cooperation in E-Governence
- UnityinFive:Â Comparative Analysis of Gender Wage Disparities in the Eurozone: Western vs. Eastern EuropeÂ
- Anka:Â European Approaches to Prisoner Reintegration
- LasChicas:Â Colonial Past and Immigration Attitudes
- GuardiansofBilkent:Â European Union Cybersecurity Policies and Strategies: Estonia, France, Portugal, and Germany
SECTION 5: Onur Erpul /Â John William DayÂ
- Tahinli Corek:Â Why Do Countries Bid for the Olympics?
- DamBusters:Â Displacement Caused by Dams in the Middle East
- Moodies: Strategic Autonomy and Foreing Direct Investment: A Comparative Analysis of Türkiye, Brazil, and Australia
- CloudLords:Â Technofeudalism Intensity Score:A Quantitative Approach to Whether Capitalism Has “Died”
SECTION 6: Mine Kara / Katherine Halley Willcox ÖzsarıÂ
- Initiators: Evaluating a Popular Theory: To What Extend Does Resource Curse Exist?
- Group GG:Â A Reflection of Global Trends and Local Crisis T2D
- Snoopy:Â Cracks in the Status Quo: Analysing the Shifts in the Liberal International Order
- Pandas:Â Homeschooling: The Rise of Parental Power Under Scepticism Towards State, The Case of U.S.
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